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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Texts in English. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2021

"How do you keep the music playing?"

   Me di el permiso de transferir y recrear esta bellísima canción de difícil traducción del original de Michel Legrand, con letra de Alan y Marilyn Bergman, una canción que luego fuera premiada e interpretada por una cantidad de voces magníficas de la canción del mundo entero, por un pedido especial y para ser cantada en español. 

Cuando el amor ya no nos canta
¿Se puede reavivar?
¿Por qué su música enmudece
sin más?

¿Cómo fundirme en otro cuerpo
sin olvidar mi son?
¿Será posible hacerlo nuevo
por hoy?

Y si lo nuestro es siempre el cambio
¿Cómo pedirle a él
que se mantenga con los años
sin mudar y sin menguar, 
sin desoír mi ser?

Amar es algo que se nos antoja eterno,
y sin embargo siento que tus ojos
se apagan casi junto con el sol, el sol.

Si no salvamos el deseo,
guardemos la amistad,
y si podemos, siendo amigos, hacer algo del amor
que nos unió,  diría yo, 
que aún nos canta hoy.

How do you keep the music playing?

How do you make it last?

How do you keep the song from fading

too fast?

How do you lose yourself to someone

and never lose your way?

How do you not run out of new things

to say?

And since you know we're always changing,

How can it be the same?

And tell me how year after year

You're sure your heart won't fall apart

Each time you hear his name?

I know the way I feel for you is now or never.

The more I love, the more that I'm afraid

That in your eyes I may not see forever, forever.

If we can be the best of lovers,

Yet be the best of friends.

If we can try with every day to make it better as it grows

With any luck, then I suppose

The music never ends.

A boca de jarro

Traducción:  ©A boca de jarro. Todos los derechos reservados

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2021

Double-think...Think twice...

“Big Brother is Watching You.”― George Orwell, 1984

“Sanity is not statistical.”― George Orwell, 1984

Miguel de Unamuno: "El talento no está sujeto a comicio."

“Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. ”
― George Orwell, 1984

“We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”― George Orwell, 1984

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”
― George Orwell, 1984

"How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four."
"Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
― George Orwell, 1984

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2021

Words have power: Set me free!


“If there's a book that you want to read, 
but it hasn't been written yet, 
then you must write it.”  

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.” 

“Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.” 

You think because he doesn't love you that you are worthless. You think that because he doesn't want you anymore that he is right - that his judgement and opinion of you are correct. If he throws you out, then you are garbage. You think he belongs to you because you want to belong to him. Don't. It's a bad word, 'belong.' Especially when you put it with somebody you love. Love shouldn't be like that. Did you ever see the way the clouds love a mountain? They circle all around it; sometimes you can't even see the mountain for the clouds. But you know what? You go up top and what do you see? His head. The clouds never cover the head. His head pokes through, beacuse the clouds let him; they don't wrap him up. They let him keep his head up high, free, with nothing to hide him or bind him. You can't own a human being. You can't lose what you don't own. Suppose you did own him. Could you really love somebody who was absolutely nobody without you? You really want somebody like that? Somebody who falls apart when you walk out the door? You don't, do you? And neither does he. You're turning over your whole life to him. Your whole life, girl. And if it means so little to you that you can just give it away, hand it to him, then why should it mean any more to him? He can't value you more than you value yourself.”

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2020

New Year's Wishes from a blogger in Blogger


 ©A boca de jarro

December 28th, 2020

Dear Mr.,


   Another year of my life is about to come to an end, a year of tremendous losses for people such as myself all around the world. So, I turned, once again, to my therapeutic writing here in my blog, my good old blog powered by Blogger, which to me is a source of spiritual nourishment, like water to my soul, water that I patiently pour into this profit-free jar ("jarro") of mine in order to cleanse the wounds that I carry in my heart, again, like most people who turn to art to heal themselves from all the pain life sometimes inflicts on us so incomprehensibly, just like it happened this year...

"Great art comes from pain", Cristopher Zara in Tortured Artists

    As I was saying - and pardon my sentimental digressions, please, bear with me, once more, but I happen to be a highly sensitive being for the ways of this materialistic, result-oriented, money-grabbing-and-making, computer-based, code-encrypted world, even more so at this special time of this special year -, I turned to my old blog only to find that Blogger had changed so dramatically that much of the content I had so laboriously and lovingly compiled through the "productive" years since 2011 was once again somehow gone and not fitting in to the new changes recently incorporated. And I say "once again" because this is not the first time it has ever happened. Although I know that all changes are always for the better, I urge you to sympathise with a fifty-two-year-old Argentinian English teacher who teaches English for a living and who chooses to write in the language which opens most doors in the world, and who, in her rather scarce free time from cleaning the house, cooking for two voracious teenagers and a husband who tends to overwork - which, I’m positive, does ring a bell with you, guys! -, gardening, doing the groceries, the washing-up and the dishes, apart from planning English classes and correcting letters and essays in English, and working as a teacher in the outside, real world, though this year I've had to work from home, for which I had to take quite a few webinars online and buy myself a new computer and a new cell phone just to be able to keep my job and continue with the cleaning, the cooking, all at the same time, since we, as a family, were all at home working away, like so many other families around the world; so, apart from all that much and 2020 (NFC...), I also keep a blog powered by Blogger - which I truly adore - , yes, Sir, I write, and I also enjoy combining my writing with images that I find beautiful for some reason and spend sometimes even hours googling for, only to find these days some of them are gone from my blog, which is not actually mine yet, yet again, say, once more, possibly because I have unknowingly yet unlawfully infringed the laws of copyright in my blog powered by Blogger…

    I keep a blog in a rather unfriendly Blogger who keeps changing once in a while and giving me complex instructions which honestly escape me and rob me of my precious time from reading better stuff than your incomprehensible-to-the-lay(wo)man set of analytic guidelines, and from writing  - which I do find is even worse. Writing! What I need as much as I need therapy this year though writing is for free, mind you, well, sort of, anyway, and want and love to do, yeah, I'd say entirely for free: for my own good, for the good of the very few who still can find me on the search engines, who come to drop me a comment that I am unable to find in this amazing Google maze of the new Blogger, what with the wrong indexation, the change from https to http, Error 404, and what have you, Sir, with all due respect.

  You may have noticed, dear Sir, that I have asked for help several times over the last few days through several comments and requests in Blogger Help, although my own children - who must be only a few years younger than the very brightest of you, guys, there in the fun-park-like-window-panelled-dream-like Google offices you work and play somewhere in the first world - my children here in a hot and humid Buenos Aires fear that I won't be taken seriously, poor things! But I am deeply in earnest, Sir, because I have been recently informed by a fan of my insignificant-in-the-top-blogs-ranking blog that one of my publications was "lifted or quoted without due permission" by a certain local newspaper somewhere out there in the so-called first world, a publication from my blog with photos taken by myself, photos of myself and my family in it. Tough luck on me!  Who am I to complain if this kind of stuff happened to William Shakespeare Himself, after all? Still I determined, only a few days ago, that, before the end of this horrendous year, I had to become the owner of my own blog: - "Oh, yeah!!! By all means! That'll do the trick!"- I said to myself in front of my messed-up dashboard all alone at 3.00 a.m. I decided  that I should buy it in order to own what is mine, and I did attempt to pay the $12 dollars a year that is the fee I would gladly pay for me to become the owner of my own work and protect my own work from being plagiarised or copied or reproduced without my authorization, or from simply disappearing from the Internet when changes are introduced or it is decided one-sidedly to eradicate relevant and high-quality social media such as Google+ to clear the way for the likes of Instagram, powered by Facebook (N.F.C. again, Sir), or Twitter, with its regrettable restrictions on characters, or LinkedIn, the bomfire of vanities where no one without contacts gets linked in, where everything is sales and catchy images with brief, momentary, to-the-point, high-impact and short-lived clichés lifted from soembody elses's genious, art, craft, pure sentimental and admonitory, cheap, shallow self-help - in the best of cases- scanty written word, as that cannot be called Literature, or soul-probing-and-searching, until-your-fingers-bleed - as Hemingway would put it -, hard-worked reflection, or even writing, dear Sir. This is what is happening to Art and Culture, Mr. Google, mind you!  In Google +, R.I.P., I was only too happy to generously and profusely contribute, I found hundreds of followers with the time and the disposition to come to my blog out of sheer interest and generosity, my blog without ads or sales involved, and I was ever so very pleased to meet a bunch of soul mates with whom I have lost contact and who used to help me out when things went wrong in my own blog powered by Blogger...


  So, just to make a rather long story short – long like most of my writing for postmodern standards - and sensing that I am, to say the least, bitterly disappointed and therefore angry, I beg you, dear Mister Google - being, as I am, too, forever grateful to you for giving me the chance of creating this beautiful little blog of mine of more than 500 publications now, among many other things you so smartly make it possible for me to do every single day -, let me tell you this, please, Sir: this blog, I fancy, will be part of my legacy to my own family, at least the part of family that appreciates this that I do and that does not think this is a just a passing fancy or a waste of time, a pretentious hobby to boost my battered ego. So, in short, I beg you, please, Mister Google, help me here! S.O.S., Mr Google, please, please!! I just need you to help me nicely and easily to set my blog right in the right way and to make it possible for me to own my, though I happen to have been born and to live in Argentina, which, unfortunately, though understandably, is not on the list of countries where this is a viable option...

   Tough luck on me, yet again, you see!

   I really hope you do something to help with these two simple New Year’s wishes I keep in my little jar at home in Buenos Aires!


Respectfully and sincerely yours,


A boca de jarro

P.S.1: Translation into Spanish available upon request. 

(Dear Reader, please, do yourself the favour of  refraining from trusting blindly  on Google Transaltion services for the sake of my beloved Mother Tongue, Spanish.) 

P.S.2: I deeply regret that the view of my beautiful jar sucks from cell and smart phones but, there again, there's little I can do about to fix it without Blogger's and Google's help...

Thank you so much for taking the time to read!

P.S. I Love You Official Trailer #1 - (2007) HD

A boca de jarro   ©A boca de jarro

sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2020

"Un mar de fueguitos": "A sea of bomfires", Eduardo Galeano

(Entrada editada y republicada)

"El mundo", tomado de El libro de los abrazos de Eduardo Galeano

(Cerrando un año sin poder abrazarnos…)

"The World", taken from "The book of Hugs" by Eduardo Galeano

(Closing a year without being allowed to hug each other...)

Galeano teaches us that...

       A man from the small village of Negué, on the coast of Colombia,was able to climb up to the high sky above.

  Upon his return, he spoke. He said he had beheld, from up there, human existence. And he revealed that we, humans, are a sea of little bonfires.

  "The world - he revealed - is that: a multitude of people, a sea of little bonfires.  Every person glows with their own light among all others. There are not two bonfires that are the same. There are big bonfires and small bonfires and multicoloured bonfires. There are people whose fire is peaceful, which does not even tremble in the wind, and people whose fire is wild, which fills the air with sparkles. Some bonfires, dull fires, neither gleam nor burn; but others burn life with such zeal that you can't even look at them without blinking, and whoever comes close to their fire becomes aflame."

                                                                               A MOTHER, 
                                                                                                 AND TEACHER 💔🔥… 


A boca de jarro

 ©A boca de jarro, Translation into English. All rights reserved.

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2020

"Next Time Ask More Questions" by Naomi Shihab Nye

Before jumping, remember
the span of time is long and gracious.
No one perches dangerously on any cliff
till you reply. Is there a pouch of rain
desperately thirsty people wait to drink from
when you say yes or no? I don’t think so.
Hold that thought. Hold everything.
When they say “crucial”—well, maybe for them?
Hold your horses and your minutes and
your Hong Kong dollar coins in your pocket,
you are not a corner or a critical turning page.
Wait. I’ll think about it.
This pressure you share is a misplaced hinge, a fantasy.
I am exactly where I wanted to be.

A boca de jarro

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